they don’t have animals in their planet. They get their food on earth through middle men. These men are ranch owners who supplied them with cows, sheep, ostrich, and chicken meats and a lot others. But these animals and the humans who breed and fed on them were being attacked by monster fungi, bad bacteria, and microorganism and others…………. Facing the danger of losing their main source of food, their general sent them to earth to protect the animals……………………… A winged giant bacterium was attacking a ranch that breeds cows. They were releasing their bad bacteria laser lights towards the cows and the ranch workers. The cows and the ranch workers who were hit all screamed in pain and ran away. The good bacteria man came and fought with the enemy……………….. Above the sky, he faced the fierce giant bacteria. The giant bacteria released his laser light towards him………….Swiftly, he moved and escaped……………… He opened his palms fast and strong, his good bacteria laser light appeared. It moved and headed towards the bad giant bacteria. It was hit. The giant bacteria screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded………………….The giant microorganism released millions and millions of tiny microorganisms in the air, the animals and the humans around them started feeling weak……………….. “I'll finish him,” the alcohol man said………..He released his alcohol laser lights and attacked the enemy………… He was hit. He screamed in pain, turned orange and exploded………..The animal man fought a giant fungi………He was hit by his powerful laser light………The enemy screamed in pain, turned orange, and exploded………….The bacteria, soap, alcohol, and animal men fought a gigantic robot who released bad bacteria, fungi, and millions and millions of microorganisms. Most of the bad bacteria headed to the soap man. Most of the fungi headed towards the